Why you should care:
*Negotiations between the union and CMH have been going on for months. Concessions have been made by the union and the hospital is still not budging.
*Many staff members are not paid a living wage and can not afford the health care they are providing themselves.
*The hospital is understaffed. The ER is overwhelmed and the understaffing of the psychiatry department is putting nurses at risk.
*The hospital has opted to bring in traveling nurses instead of hiring within the community at quadrupole the pay rate of existing staff.
*There are supply shortages.
*Doctors are being fired because they are not bringing enough money in.
*Many specialties have been moved to Albany. If you are pregnant you must go to Albany to deliver.
*When CMH representatives were asked about restructuring and the future of our local hospital the union members got no answers. This has led to concerns over the dismantling of our local hospital.
How you can help:
*Write to
The head of CMH Dorthory Urschel – DUrschel@cmh-net.org
Board Member Kirk Kneller –kkneller@knellerins.com
Board Member Deborah Lans – dlans@cohenclairlans.com
*Join the Picket Line Sept. 18th or bring them snacks and water as a show of support.
*Spread the word. Share your concerns on social media.